Submission by a close family member or carer
A written submission from a close family member or carer made to the Tribunal:
- tells the Tribunal about the treatment, care and support of a supervised person
- may suggest to the Tribunal any conditions that should apply to the supervised person to support their reintegration into the community
- may be taken into account by the Tribunal when the supervised person is being released into the community or being allowed more freedoms in the community.
Section 22 of the Act establishes the obligations for the Tribunal when receiving and considering written submissions from a close family member or carer.
Submissions may be taken into account by the Tribunal as part of its regular review hearings.
Your submission will be placed on file which is held at the Tribunal.
You do not need to attend a hearing of the Tribunal unless you have been recognised by the Tribunal as the representative of the supervised person, and they have requested you attend a Tribunal hearing with them. You can contact the supervising officer who will liaise with the Tribunal if you have any questions.
There is no set writing style for submissions, however, they can only be accepted in writing, no verbal submissions or visual media (such as videos or audio recordings) are accepted.
You may like to include:
- Details of your association with the supervised person. For example, how you know them and for how long.
- Details of your role (if applicable, for example, carer).
- Any suggestions about the conditions that should apply to the supervised person if they were to be released. For example, any treatment, care and support options that may be suitable for them in the community, such as local drug and alcohol counselling.
- Any other information you think is important.
You should try not to include anything:
- abusive or offensive
- that is factually incorrect
- about changing the outcome of the court's decision.
To the President of the Mental Impairment Review Tribunal
In the matter of: __________________________ (supervised person’s name)
Submission of: ______________________ (write your name here)
The following headings could be used:
- information about you and your association with the supervised person
- treatment, care, and support of the supervised person
- suggested conditions
- other.
Signed: ________________________________
Date: _________________________________
Send you submission by
post: Mental Impairment Review Tribunal
GPO Box C127
Last updated: 23 August 2024